The Heart of Happiness: Why Good Relationships Matter

The Heart of Happiness: Why Good Relationships Matter

Imagine a life surrounded by people who lift you up, support you in your endeavors, hold space for your fears, celebrate your successes and love you with open hearts. Whether romantic, platonic, situational or circumstantial, relationships are extraordinarily powerful! They can feel like the oxygen of life and breathe color into the mundane. They can also bring a heaviness when things aren’t going well and seem to veil the joy and beauty that is all around. 

Connections are fundamental to our mental and emotional health. Feeling connected and valued within a community provides us with a sense of belonging, security, and identity. This sense of belonging is so integral that it's considered a basic human need.

Relationships have an impact emotionally through what support is or isn’t available from loved ones. Confidence increases with strong connections. Taking risks and facing challenges can seem less daunting with a good support system. Sharing joys with friends amplifies the felt benefits, as stories are retold with an encouraging audience. 

Healthy relationships have been shown to add health benefits, such as: 

*Improved Mental Health: Healthy relationships can reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. They provide emotional support and help manage stress effectively.

*Enhanced Physical Health: Good relationships can lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, and boost the immune system.

*Increased Longevity: Studies have shown that people with strong social connections tend to live longer than those with weaker social networks.

*Better Stress Management: Supportive relationships help in coping with stressful situations, reducing the overall impact of stress on the body.

*Higher Self-Esteem: Being in a positive relationship can boost self-worth and self-confidence.

*Greater Happiness and Life Satisfaction: Healthy relationships contribute to overall happiness and a sense of belonging, leading to enhanced life satisfaction.

*Motivation to Live a Healthier Lifestyle: Engaging with supportive friends and family can encourage better habits like regular exercise, healthier eating, and adhering to medical advice.

*Faster Recovery from Illness: People with strong support systems often recover more quickly from illnesses and surgeries.

It is essential to cultivate, nourish and pour into healthy relationships. The best relationships involve safety, open communication, vulnerability, trust, compassion and kindness. It’s important to take inventory of friendships and connections periodically. 

What people do you feel inspired by, loved, cared for and supported? Who do you feel energized after seeing? 

Which relationships feel more draining or unhealthy? Who are you around when you go towards old habits or toxic patterns? Some relationships are unavoidable, but where can you make choices that align with more fulfilling relationships? 

Try to set boundaries around people and situations where needed. Protect your emotional wellbeing and honor your needs. 

*If you are in an unsafe situation, seek professional help and reach out to friends. 

For relationships that you cherish, be intentional about expressing gratitude, spending quality time together, forgiving where due, practicing patience and nourishing the connections with those you love! 

Watch the quality of your life improve as you create loving, supportive, inspiring connections around you!

“People can trace their successes and failures to the relationships in their lives”

 ~John C. Maxwell

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